Thursday, January 19, 2012

Are the zodiac characters in Fruit Basket actually born in the year of their transformation animal?

Like how Yuki is a rat, but is he born in the year of the rat? Cause aren't a lot of the zodiac characters the same age? Just curious if that's how it worked, or if they are simply born as a representation and not respective to the year of their birth.

thanksAre the zodiac characters in Fruit Basket actually born in the year of their transformation animal?
I don't think the zodiac animals the Sohmas are assigned have anything to do with their time of birth. Even though it does make sense that Yuki is a year older than Hatsuharu, Hatsuharu cannot be the same age a Momiji if they were born in the year of their zodiac animals. Lots of other characters who share the same age are different zodiacs. Hatori, Aya, ect. Another problem with this would be that lack of a year of the cat. If the zodiacs were all born in their years, would the cat have been born in a separate dimension?

I'm pretty sure it's said in the first episode that Honda's born in the year of the Dog so that would make Yuki and Kyo the year of the dog as well if you were curious when they were born.Are the zodiac characters in Fruit Basket actually born in the year of their transformation animal?
Nope, because of the ages.

But the zodiac also goes by months, so they were probably born on the month of that animal.Are the zodiac characters in Fruit Basket actually born in the year of their transformation animal?
i dont think so. maybe they were born on the month (most likely)

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