Thursday, January 19, 2012

What do you think of the zodiac sign?

Do you really believe that it's the zodiac sign that has the heart, and not the person themselves?What do you think of the zodiac sign?
A person's personality is made up mainly on their upbringing, influences from society. Zodiac signs only make up a small fraction of a person's personality. You might possess all of the basic traits, but you could be either more or less based on family, friends, society. If you only believe in Zodiacs, then you can consider your Birth Chart. Like the positioning of each planet when you were born. That gives a much more detailed personality description. Even then, you can have other unexpected traits that aren't on your chart 鈥?because there are a lot of things to consider! :)

I believe in it to an extent. I don't let it run my life. I just read the personality traits of each sign. I think some things can be totally inaccurate, some are are fairly true. I don't think it should be taken too seriously. It can provide SOME guidance, but not those to make life, long-term decisions.
No.What do you think of the zodiac sign?
The alleged influence of some of the signs is certainly more powerful and more difficult to overcome than others. Signs that are governed by the Sun and Saturn are particularly hard, but right here let it be emphatically stated that neither Zodiacal Signs nor planets have the slight颅est power over the spiritualized man or woman, spirit being absolute over all matter.

The stars may influence us, but God rules the stars, and when man recognizes God in himself, he can be dominated no longer by anything apart from God. It is the habit of some stu颅dents to complain of their signs and planets, and in some cases rather to look down upon their neighbors who have more to contend with in this matter of overcoming natural faults. But this is unwise, because the more there is of outward conditions to work out of the greater the credit.

The student in this science is soon convinced that there is no delusion about it, and after a little practice the careful observer can calculate with almost un颅erring fidelity the domains of his friends and acquaintances by their general con颅duct and habits. The people who be颅long in the fiery triplicity, for instance, are as different from those who belong in the watery triplicity as fire is different from water; the air people are entirely unlike the earth folks, and so on.

When a marked difference really exists between two persons born the same day, the intelligent observer and student will im颅mediately set about comparing the environ颅ments, always remembering that education is a most potent force in the evolution of the race. Take the hard-working washer颅woman, for instance, whose life from birth has been a struggle for the bare necessities of life, and the educated and protected wife and mother, who were born under the same sign. They may not appear to have any traits in common, but if the mat颅ter is looked into they will be found alike in fundamental characteristics.

Take those, again, who are on the same plane of social and intellectual life. One may show the selfishness or the quick temper that belongs to her sign; the other may appear quite thoughtless of self and as gentle as a summer breeze. The last has probably conquered the disagreeable and hinder颅ing qualities, while the former has allowed them to conquer her.

If radical differences do really obtain, they can be explained by the govern颅ing planets; but these differences, com颅paratively speaking, are few.
Zodiac Signs influence only part of the person. That is why not everything in astrology about a person is true. The other part could be how the person is raised up to be and it's surroundings.

Also astrology is fun and can help you understand yourself a little better.What do you think of the zodiac sign?
yeah like why a are pisces are so nice or mean.

and I sometimes look at people for the zodiac sign.

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