Monday, January 23, 2012

What do you dislike about each zodiac sign?

Now don't leave any zodiac sign out, not even yours. Every sign has a fault and we should accept that! :)What do you dislike about each zodiac sign?
ARIES: Doesn't seem to have any tact, they are outspoken and can be right in many situations but they are aggressive and tactless so no one cares that they are right, they are just annoyed.

TAURUS: Seem to give too many chances to people they loved that hurt them. I have many a Taurus friend who is relationship-stupid.

GEMINI: Always playing the field in everything. Never seems to have their foot completely in any door, never seem to be sincere.

CANCER: Too selfish to realize how their sensitivity/moodiness affects others. Never seriously takes responsibility for their actions. Victims of their hearts, whatever the cost.

LEO: I feel as though I can't objectively judge my own sign. Sorry. JBH

VIRGO: Bookmark their flaws but really don't do anything about them, knows them but prefers to focus on everyone else's. Lies frequently. Too busy thinking to listen.

LIBRA: Rights wrongs without making it right with that person, only worried about internal scales and not other's feelings. Constantly cheating and throwing relationships away.

SCORPIO: Thinks intuition makes them smarter. Has positive abilities, most don't use them for good. Their flaws (mainly jealousy, anger, envy) cripple them socially so that few people ever see their good qualities.

SAGITTARIUS: Doesn't think there are consequences for their actions. Usually self important. Dominates conversations. Takes professional slights personally.

CAPRICORN: Too calculating to create lasting relationships, usually end up with only family in the end. Plays on people based on what they observe about them, even family and friends. Self-serving, even on their death bed.

AQUARIUS: Disrespect for people and social rules. Mistreats most significant other's. Contrary for the sake of being contrary. Stirs people for personal satisfaction. Unstable due to inability to discern emotions.

PISCES: Plays both sides against the middle. Can't be a true friend. Loves dramatic displays where they caused it but no one knows it. Willing to lie, cheat, steal, kill for "love". All emotion, no rationality. La-la land.
Aries: Loud, obnoxious, pushy, bossy, domineering, hovering, insulting, badgering, know-it-all, selfish, narrow-minded, one-upper, control freak, fake.

Gemini: Talks too much, gossipy, two-faced, can't be trusted, aloof, boring, drama starting, flaky.

Taurus: Dull, stubborn to a fault, pushover, violent, too unbiased, bossy, easy to manipulate.

Cancer: Overemotional, oversensitive, aggravating, victimizing, two-faced, not trustworthy, whiney, wishy-washy, pushover, stupid, ditzy, severely insecure, all bark and no bite.

Leo: Arrogant, snobby, stuck-up, loud, obnoxious, annoying, proud, pushy, bossy, too generous, gullible, know-it-all, braggarts, obsessive, overconfident.

Virgo: Critical, pushy, too practical, unemotional, cold, cruel, hurtful, boring, stiff, uptight, nothing's ever good enough, nagging, irritable, obsessive, perfectionist, neurotic.

Libra: Aloof, too flirty, indecisive, average, shallow, not individualistic, too go-with-the-flow, gossipy.

Scorpio: Manipulative, too mysterious, cold, power-loving, control freak, over-secretive, neurotic, suspicious, jealous, obsessive.

Sagittarius: Tactless, brutally honest, aloof, careless, overly taboo, apathetic, undetermined, unrealistically optimistic, dense.

Capricorn: Shallow, money-driven, greedy, fake, suck-up, teacher's pet, wishy-washy, unsure, insecure, average.

Aquarius: Detached, aloof, careless, apathetic, out-in-left-field ideas, over-independent, indecisive, quick-tempered, insincere, untrustworthy, severely misunderstood.

Pisces: Too mysterious, shady, too quiet, wishy-washy, indecisive, unrealistic, lack-of-personality, unsociable, lone wolf, victimizing.

My Virgo Mercury was kicking in. I'm good at criticizing.What do you dislike about each zodiac sign?
aries:sometimes they play to much

leo:they are nonchalant

sagittarius:they pretty cool

taurus:they can be moody

virgo:sometimes can be harsh

capricorn:they always seem to want to be right

aquarius:we dont see, to care about most stuff and it can hurt somebody

gemini:talk to much sometimes

libra:they can playfully talk about me but i take it personally

cancer:they whine alot

scorpio:they laugh when im hurt like one time my bff was talking to me then i started choking on a taco and the whole time she was laughing:/

pisces:when they get in a argument they get really pist off and they always seem gloomy
Aries=proud and jealous
Taurus=greedy and stubborn
Gemini=selfish and i am most intelligent
cancer=moody and extra sad
Leo=self centered and we are best
Virgo=criticism and worrying
Libra=lazy and i am always right
Scorpio=emotional and you can't beat me
capricorn=cold and u can't stop me
Aquarius=modern and you can't change my mind.i am right you are wrong
Pisces=dreaming and you can't understand dear how i feel

sorry for bad englishWhat do you dislike about each zodiac sign?
aries - selfish and aloof
taurus - lazy and boring
gemini - flighty, shallow
cancer - overly defensive, irritating
leo - arrogant and think they're amazing
virgo- critical, pushover
libra- fake and shallow
scorpio- always think they are right, stubborn
sagitarrius- mean, insensitive
capricorn- harsh, unfeeling
aquarius- bad tempered, vain
pisces- fake, up themselves
Aries - Quick temper and selfish
Taurus - Gets too jealous and greedy
Gemini - Superficial
Cancer - Too moody and emotional
Leo - So bossy and controlling
Scorpio - Envy and resentful
Virgo - They always worry and can be quite harsh
Libra - Nothing in particular...
Sagittarius - irresponsible and careless... Stupid... But they're fun
Capricorn - So pessimistic and miserable... But I like em
Aquarius - Nothing really
Pisces - They're escapists, weak willed gullible,.... Sound more like a victim than a prlck...
aries - arrogance

taurus - lazy

gemini - avoiding

cancer - too sensitive

leo - temper tantrum like babies

virgo- cold

libra- flaky

scorpio- manipulative

Sagittarius- avoiding

capricorn- insecure

aquarius- bullshits behind people's backs

pisces- I haven't met pisces people
aries - nothing we're the BEST!

taurus - LAZY!!!

gemini - Selfish

cancer - too sensitive and proud

leo -never helps







aries- too authoritative

taurus- too stubborn

gemini- too playful

cancer- too imaginative

leo- self centered and snobs

virgo- critical

libra- nasty

scorpio- moody

sagittarius- serviles

capricorn- too serious(omg)

aquarius- aloof

pisces- needy
Ignorant folks who think signs are people and people are signs.
  • happy wheels 2
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