Saturday, January 14, 2012

Which zodiac sign is in your opinion the weirdest of them all?

In my opinion Aquarius are the weirdest, they are just so different even their clothes. And some of them will just come to you and talk to you like they know you lol. Maybe it's because I'm a Taurus.

So which zodiac sign is in your opinion the weirdest of them all?Which zodiac sign is in your opinion the weirdest of them all?
Gemini or Aquarius

I have yet to come across a boring or conventional Gemini. I have a Gemini rising and say/do weird random **** all the time. Aquarius are known for being quirky and thinking outside the box, so they're bound to say things that will fly over people's heads. To be honest, I don't think there's a "weirdest" sign but rather signs that are just misunderstood.
I wouldn't say their is a weirdest start sign! I wouldn't say that their is one that is better or worse, because at the end of the day, each and every star sign is uniqe and special in it's own special way.

Astrology is so complex anyway, so you have to look at many factors involved in astrology. So for instance, the moon sign, riseing sign, aswell as rembering, everything else involved in astrology. For instance my sun/star sign is capricorn, my moon sign is virgo and my riseing sign is aries. So my moon sign and riseing sign, would make me different to any other person with my star sign.

In this instance, i would say that, some star signs get along better than other but that's not taking into acount the other signs.

I think capricorn and aries people, may not get on for numerous reasons, but i get on really well with some aries people. My greatiest friend is an aries and we get on so well together. She does have her moon sign in virgo aswell but i appreciate aries people for their lively qulitys. I think it's possibly to do with the fact, that my riseing sign is aries.Which zodiac sign is in your opinion the weirdest of them all?
i wouldn't say aquarius..then again, my boyfriend is aquarius and im a libra lol. in my opinion,...maybe scorpio? because they take revenge to a whole other level..or sagittarius who are known for being too over the top friendly and cheerful and are too passionate about political and religous views...but all the signs have their blind spots that make them quirky or "weird". even taurus, they're known for being too greedy, virgos for being too much of a perfectionist, libra's for being too superficial, aquarius for doing the opposite of what you ask of them because they're so stubborn, etc. i guess it just depends on your definition of weird lol. good question though, i had never thought about that.
It would have to be an air sign because we are very nervous. I would say Gemini because we pretty much see it all and probably close to half of us are Bi Polar;Which zodiac sign is in your opinion the weirdest of them all?
Omg, Aquarius has some of the most good looking people Nick Carter, Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Presley.

The ugliest is Dick Cheney.

Libras are weird to me. I dont understand how they manage to be so diplomatic.

Aquarius. Not wierd. Just...different.
i agree with aquarius are kinda weird. I have a friend who is one and she will start randomly talking about something that happened a year ago 0_o

the one that believe in astrology is the weirdest

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