I am an Aquarius/Cap cusp and I attract a lot of Leos. Overall, I attract nothing but fire signs.
I have been with a Leo/Virgo cusp for almost 3 years now.What zodiac sign(s) do you attract the most?
I am an Aries. I mostly attract Geminis but in general air signs. Its been like that forever and I get along with them just fine. That's on the romantic level, on the friendship level I attract nothing but fire signs. My three closest friends are fire signs, a Leo, and two Sagittarius's. That's it though I don't think I have ever been close with anyone that's anything other than fire and air, it's kind of interesting to think about.
Aries sun
Leo rising
Leo moon
Aquarius venus
Aquarius mars
No I don't work well with anyone an Aries and I broke up with him because I was about to cheat I had the urge and decided to let him go I was only 15 though. It's great at first then it's goes downhill.What zodiac sign(s) do you attract the most?
I attract a lot of Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo and Taurus men. Yeah I work well with the guys I attract, but no guy I've ever been with seemed perfect for me.
Gemini, Scorpios %26amp; Leos I work good with all of them, but the best with GeminiWhat zodiac sign(s) do you attract the most?
I'm a Cancer and i mainly attract sagitarrius, virgo, and taurus. but i mainly attract alot of sag's, my bf of 2 1/2 yrs and a lot of my friends are sags its funny cuz water and fire signs arent supposed to be good together but we are great together :), and i get along great with the signs i attract especially sag and taurus.
I am an Aries, and for some reason always attract Taurus and Capricorn. I have no idea why. I always end up getting bored with them, u then I get involved with another one. Our personalities do not mesh well at all!! LoL
My ex was a cancer. Other ppl, I have liked/have liked me have been Either Leo, Cancer or Gemini
Never anything else. IM GEMINI!
Leos, Scorpios, Virgos, Capricorns, Cancers, Libras, Geminis, Pisces.
I am a Sagittarius, but also a lot like a Scorpio since I have Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Pluto all in Scorpio. According to my chart I am pretty much half-water, half fire. So, I can pretty much get along with anyone. The ones listed above are just ones that are particularly attracted to me, I guess.
Are we talking physical attraction or emotional attraction because im a Leo but as far as looks I look like my rising sign Gemini and I usually attract Sagittarius and Pisces.
taurus guys i guess. i'm a virgo girl and alot of taurus guys that i can remember were very flirty and overly nice to me. i tend to get attracted to sagittarius guys though, i don't really know why.
State your sign and what zodiac sign you attract?
Do you think you work best with the signs you attract?
i wish i could meet other signs but leos are just naturally drawn to me. i'm a water sign i'm supposed to be with fellow water signs, but i don't think they're attracted to me at all.
i attract lots of fire and air signs.
I'm a cancer and I attracted a pisces and a scorpio guy. Well these were the only 2 guys that liked me and they both liked me at the same time! However I picked the scorpio guy because I was naturally drawn to him at the first sight because he was just alluring. Likewise, he thought I was very pretty and sweet. For the pisces, I only had feelings of friendship for him, he was too soft and dreamy for my taste.
I used to attract Virgos (god knows why, because we're so opposite), but these days it's Aries and Leos..
sun: Leo
moon: Pisces
Rising: Libra
As friends, or lovers all these signs seem to come to me.
I am attracted to Sagittarius. But I've never had a Sagittarius girlfriend/relationship. I always end up with Pisces and it never works out.
i attract mainly Leos and Capricorns. well i kind of do attract good signs
well sadly i am attracted to scorpios and to tell the truth they aren't they are are not strong and just take a long time to open up they are just afraid of people's affection and sorry to any scorpios that aren't like that but the one i'm dealing with is so no hard feeling toward the whole sign this is just from my experience, i used to think they ruled the world but now i am attracted to anyone that comes a long I'm an aquarius proudly :) hope that helped
I am also an Aquarius/Cap cusp. Practically all of my admirers and partners have been Cancer. My partner of almost three years (snap!) is a Cancerian. And yeah - so far so good! We're perfect :)
Oh and by the way there is this douche-bag called "Ryan" going round thumbing down my answers for "revenge" LOL!!
Gemini (cancer cusp) I Tend to attract other Gemini's and Sagittarius the most. Aquarius/Pisces cusp, pisces, and Scorpio have been in there as well but I will never, ever get involved with one of them again.
With partners, I seem to attract Taurus like crazy...I'm guessing it's because of my moon/rising/Venus.
With friends, I attract Geminis a lot...I have no idea why. We always seem to get each other very well though.
I can work well with Taurus, but the ones I've been with get too possessive or 'territorial' as they like to call it hahah. If it weren't for that, it'd be perfect.
Some of my best friends have been Geminis, love 'em.
My sign is Taurus, and I attract Leos, Geminis, and Aries the most. But the relationships I have with them never lasts long.
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